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Ayur Diamond

Ayur Diamond - The Highest of Honours

They say that for a diamond to form, it takes millions of years. The block of coal will have to endure extremely high amounts of pressure in order to make sure that the gem is perfectly formed in order to become a diamond. This is why the Ayur Diamond classification is of great significance.

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Yoga day 2021

Pledged to assist you to have good health through Yoga

The great impact of Covid-19 has now made many people realize the importance of keeping their body healthy with a boosted immune system and strong mind. This has not only made people bring changes in their foods and lifestyle, but also on the way they begin their day!

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Ayurveda Tips for the Monsoon

Lifestyle Tips For The Monsoon Season

To start off, we are not in the typical monsoon season of June to July to post this blog with complete relevance. However, the presence of continuous rains due to serial cyclones like Nivar and Bhuvari in the southern regions of India makes us go back to the monsoon times.

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Healthy Diet Tips

Healthy diet tips for the monsoon season

It's been raining cats and dogs in the southern part of India with many districts of Kerala and Tamil Nadu being given official holidays to avoid risks associated with continuous rains and for the general safety of residents.

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Yoga Therapie at Ayuryogashram

Stretch now to reduce stress. Fight ageing by practising yoga daily

Ageing is an unavoidable natural thing. We are ageing every single day. As we get older, our bodies may stiffen, creating a negative domino effect, through which we suffer the consequences of aches, pains, longtime injury and more.

We can't stop it. But, what if there is a scope to slow its process?

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Self care amid the pandemic

CHANGE IS THE ONLY CONSTANT. This adage applies well to the current situation. Who knew the world would flip this much, make us suffer this much. But, what it repetitively teaches us is, to Adapt to those changes.

Over the last few months, life has changed drastically for the majority of human beings of the world.

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Ayurveda Health Benefits of Ginger

Ginger Magic!!

Ginger and a view on it:

People who have acidity problems will look at Ginger as a villain, generally. That too, in the time of summer, this acidity problem will eventually increase in their bodies. Considering the case, should ginger be consumed in the summer to improve digestion or for various other goodness?

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Ayuryogashram Ayurvedic Resort in Kerala

The Healthcare Resort Ayuryogashram!

Ayurveda is an ancient Science. If we look into our rich history or our glorious past, the findings, studies and revelations, everything is authenticated, well-documented, studied and deeply researched and more so, there is a Science behind everything. A Science that states and describes the whys, the what, and which. And Ayurveda, the alternate healthcare regime too,

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Ayurveda and Herbs Benefits

Herbs and Ayurveda

The highly thought of ancient Indian Science, Ayurveda is much sought after and followed by millions of people worldwide. It found its origins in the Indian subcontinent and gradually, it has made its way to newer places and countries all across the globe. Today, it is heralded as the next best line of treatment and is figures prominently as part of the alternate health and wellness landscape.

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Ayurvedic Treatment for Hypertension

Ayurvedic treatment for Hypertension

High blood pressure is also known as hypertension. When the flowing blood exerts pressure over the prescribed normal limit of 120/80mm on the arterial walls, then it is considered as high blood pressure. And accordingly, the readings, the upper, and the lower track the blood pressure in two different states. The upper or higher reading of 120mm

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Ayurveda and Herbs Treatment at Ayuryogashram

Ayurveda - "The Science of Life"

If you are curious about Ayurveda, the very popular and beneficial alternate wellness and healthcare regime or if you have seen and heard so much about it, no matter in which part of the world you are, then yes, you should delve more into it and understand what is this Science all about? The history behind it where and when it all started and the pioneers behind it.

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Panchakarma Therapies in Kerala

Rejuvenation and Detoxification

Owing to our busy, erratic lifestyles, work pressure, lack of sleep and exercise and also eating junk or unhealthy foods, toxins build-up in the body every day. And over time, this can turn detrimental and harm the body in more ways than we can imagine.And as per the principles of Kerala Ayurveda, this disturbs the balance of doshas in our body.

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Ayurveda Treatment for Arthritis

Ayurveda Treatment for Arthritis

When your joints start showing signs of soreness, or if you experience pain when moving, walking, or when climbing the stairs, or there is some impairment to your moving and you notice swelling, then it could point to the degenerative disease, arthritis. Arthritis can affect anyone at anytime. It is commonly seen among adults and both men and women are equally affected.

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Back Pain Treatment at Ayuryogashram

Ayurvedic treatment for Back Pain

Ayurveda Treatment for Back Pain Among the many pains that people experience, back pain is one of the most common. Lower backache or back pain can occur to anyone at anytime. Age or gender notwithstanding, a back pain can be triggered by external factors, lack of exercise, stress, sedentary lifestyles, and weakened muscles. A word of caution though,....

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Man is a Universe within Himself

Nature consists of five basic elements: Akash [Ether/ Space], Vayu [Air], Agni [Fire], Jala [Water] and Pridhvi [Earth]. These are called as the Panchabhutas.
Man is a microcosm of nature. He is indivisible from the external environment [macrocosm]. Hence, these five elements are present in each and every individual.

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Ayurveda Packages

Get treated the natural, ayurvedic way. No side effects, no complications. Our ayurvedic health experts offer personalized treatments based on each individual's health and lifestyle to facilitate a speedy recovery. Embrace the better way to better health! Know More

Feeling stressed? How does a rejuvenating ayurvedic therapy in a nature surrounded, calm environment sound? Ayurveda Panchakarma, Abhyanga and many more authentic therapies for a refreshing experience. Plan your rejuvenating stay at Ayuryogashram today! Know More

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